The next mile

Drive to the countryside alone with your car. When you get there, chant "Derpadappa,dappa doo" while you imagine Evil Pattrixx in your head. Then,for the next mile it gets colder and darker and darker and the traffic on the road will slowly decrease.
Then you're alone.
There will be a highway sign it says "666 Devils Highway" driveup that ramp.
Then, your car will stall and EVIL PATTRIXX will summon tons of chainsaw clowns to kill you and they will surround your car and stuff. You get your car moveing again by stuffing a piece of paper into the cars key hole (or if you have one of te newwer ones, stuff it in the start engine button) and it will moveing again.
The highway will be a huge 10 lane highway butt it will be empty. For the first mile, there will be zombie gorillas driving PATRIXXMOBILES chasing you. The sun will rise but it will be EVIL PATTRIXX instead of the sun. If you stare at it you will go blind and a zombie gorilla will push you into a huge lake of lava.
Then, clowns with chainsaws and guns will appear and surround you and throw flaming bottles at you.
Drive until a huge black hole is there.
Get out of you car and walk very slow into it.
The black hole its greed. The greed for materialostic. Feel body vanish as it is eat away you humanity.